Articles about Forge

  • Native modules and smart menu

    A bit of historical background and the refactoring plan

    As an open source project, PrestaShop is continuously being enriched by the company teams, external contributors, developers, etc. Thanks to all the community, it keeps growing in the right direction. The PrestaShop Team is proud and honored to read everybody’s feedback, ideas, translations and pull requests, it helps improving the PrestaShop project and making it better for everyone!

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  • We are moving Issues to GitHub

    A big move from the good old Forge in order to have everything in one place for everyone.

    Next week, we will enable issues on PrestaShop project’s GitHub repository. This is going to be the new way to report bugs and to open feature requests. This way, the roadmap, issues, pull requests and source code will all be in the same platform.

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  • A year into 1.6 maintenance: the way forward

    Preparing for the next 12 months, together

    A year ago, we released PrestaShop, and put version 1.6 in maintenance mode. The plan is to maintain it for two years, with regular patch releases. Approaching the one-year mark, time for a review!

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  • How to create the best bug reports

    Three rules: up-to-date, reproducible, and detailed.

    Every morning, the Product and QA team gather around a big screen, and review the new Forge tickets that were created since the day before. At the end of the meeting, all new tickets must be asserted, and if need be, placed into the hand of a team member.

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  • A look back on the PrestaShop project in 2016

    A few stats to celebrate our community!

    Following up on both last Friday’s HNY post and last Monday’s lookback on the translation project, here’s an infographic presenting a few stats on the PrestaShop project, from GitHub and the Forge!

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